About Me

Technical leader specializing in e-commerce development and digital transformation

Professional Summary

With over a decade of experience in e-commerce and technology leadership, I specialize in building and scaling digital platforms that drive business growth. Currently leading technical operations for joann.com, a $300M e-commerce platform, where I manage complex digital transformations and innovative technical solutions.

E-commerce Leadership

Leading development and operations of $300M+ e-commerce platforms with a focus on scalability and innovation.

Technical Architecture

Expertise in headless commerce, microservices architecture, and modern web technologies.

Team Leadership

Managing and mentoring cross-functional teams to deliver complex technical solutions.

System Integration

Building and integrating complex systems with focus on performance and reliability.

Product Strategy

Driving product vision and strategy from conception to successful market launch.

Development & Architecture

Next.jsReactTypeScriptNode.jsGraphQLREST APIsMicroservicesEvent-Driven ArchitectureBuilder.ioHeadless CMSPWAsService Workers

Cloud & Infrastructure

AWSAzureDockerKubernetesCI/CDJenkinsGitHub ActionsTerraformLoad BalancingCDN Configuration

E-commerce & Analytics

Salesforce Commerce CloudShopify PlusBigCommerceStripePayPalGoogle Analytics 4AmplitudeHeapAdobe AnalyticsNew RelicDatadog

Product & Design

FigmaFigJamAdobe XDSketchMiroInVisionZeplinUser Flow MappingWireframing

Project Management

JiraConfluenceMonday.comAsanaAzure DevOpsSlackLinearAgile/ScrumKanban

Testing & Optimization

JestCypressPlaywrightA/B TestingLoad TestingGoogle OptimizeVWOOptimizely

Enterprise Integration

ESB/Message QueuesApache KafkaRabbitMQRedisElasticsearchOAuth/SAMLActive Directory

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